1. 对P-12学习和发展的影响
The Educator Preparation Program at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 utilizes 2 measures to evaluate our completers impact on P-12 learning and development.
1) The UM EPP designs and implements case studies to examine completer impact on P-12 learning and development. 与P-12合作伙伴共同开发案例研究. 案例研究方法, 包括数据来源和发现, 在以下链接的文件中有描述:
2)作为上述案例研究的一部分, the EPP utilizes the Colorado’s Student Perception Survey from the Colorado Education Initiative as a second measure of Impact on P-12 learning and development, 特别是P-12学生对完整影响的认知.
2. 教学效果指标
The Educator Preparation Program at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 utilizes 2 measures to evaluate our completers impact on P-12 learning and development through teaching effectiveness.
1) The UM EPP designs and implements case studies to examine completer impact on P-12 learning and development. 与P-12合作伙伴共同开发案例研究. 案例研究方法, 包括文件中描述的数据来源和调查结果, 链接如下.
2)作为上述案例研究的一部分, the EPP utilizes the Colorado’s Student Perception Survey from the Colorado Education Initiative as a second measure of Impact on P-12 learning and development, 特别是P-12学生对完整影响的认知.
3. 雇主满意度和就业里程碑
The following data were provided to the EPP by the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) for initial licensure completers. The State collected the data by administering a survey that was designed by the Alabama Association of 大学 for Teacher Education (ALACTE). 然后,ALSDE从全州的公立学区收集数据. The data for all reporting years compare all institutions and UM in the same document but does not provide data disaggregated by licensure.
Although survey results indicate an overall high lever of employer satisfaction with recent UM completers across all programs, 成长领域包括反身性和适应性, 课堂管理, 和协作. EPP正在与P-12伙伴合作, 包括但不限于蒙特瓦洛家族, to identify and develop program and clinical adjustments to strengthen these areas of preparation.
4. 完成者满意度
- ALACATE在职教师调查
The following data were provided to the EPP by the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) for initial licensure completers. The State collected the data by administering a survey that was designed by the Alabama Association of 大学 for Teacher Education (ALACTE). 然后,ALSDE从全州的公立学区收集数据. The data for all reporting years compare all institutions and UM in the same document but does not provide data disaggregated by licensure.
Although survey results indicate an overall high lever of employer satisfaction with recent UM completers across all programs, 成长领域包括反身性和适应性, 课堂管理, 和协作. EPP正在与P-12伙伴合作, 包括但不限于蒙特瓦洛家族, to identify and develop program and clinical adjustments to strengthen these areas of preparation.
(州报告卡第12-14页)2. 初始许可证完成者满意度调查
2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 20203. 完成者离职满意度调查
2017年秋季: 小学, P-12 /二次, 特殊教育
2018年春季: 小学, P-12 /二次, 特殊教育
2018年秋季: 小学, P-12 /二次, 特殊教育
2019年春季: 小学, P-12 /二次, 特殊教育
2019年秋季: 小学, P-12 /二次, 特殊教育
2020年春季: 小学, P-12 /二次, 特殊教育
2020年秋季: 小学, P-12 /二次, 特殊教育4. 高级程序完成者调查
2019年秋季EdS TL校友调查
2020年秋季EdS TL校友调查
5. 毕业率和标题II报告
A. 毕业率:
The graduation rates linked below were calculated by the UM Office of Institutional Research, 规划, 及评税(IRPA). 包括本科生和研究生的研究生费率. These files contain information on overall rates as well as the rates for each program area, 是可用的. Note that IRPA defines retention as the number of students returning who do not graduate. 这通常适用于本科阶段的第一年学费, but tends to leave gaps after the first year w在这里 small but significant numbers of students graduate before an expected 4-year cycle. 因此,坚持率也被包括在内,以确定那些提前完成学业的人. 这就是所公布的报告中保留和持久的区别. 数据截止到2021年4月30日.
B. 第二章报告:
第二章是一项以“准备”为导向的联邦政策, 培训, 聘请高质素的教师及校长”. 欲了解更多信息,请访问他们的网站 http://title2.ed.Administration/公共/.aspx.
第二章报告C. 入学及学位:
6. Ability of Completers to Meet Licensing Requirements and Additional State Requirements
阿拉巴马州的要求因认证而异. The EPP Office of 教师教育服务 (TES) curates requirements for certification for various licensure levels. 这些要求已公布于工商业污水附加费系统,并持续受到监察 网站. 具体的程序要求应与EPP认证官讨论.
平均, over 98% of initial and advanced program completers are recommended for certification upon graduation. 下面链接的数据包括TEP入学, 学位授与, 以及2017-2018年的认证资格, 2018-2019, 2019-2020学年:
Initial Certification: TEP Admission, Degree Conferrals, and Certification Eligibility
毕业生TEP入学,认证和招聘数据Of the many state requirements, Praxis and edTPA are both requirements we can measure. Please note that only 小学 data are posted for confidentiality purposes due to consistently lower numbers across other programs.
A. 实践核心学术技能
有关Praxis核心的信息,请访问 6月11日, 2020, the State of Alabama eliminated the Praxis Core requirement for unconditional admission to undergraduate Teacher Education Programs in an emergency rule change. EPP于2020年12月31日永久采用了这一变更.
B. 实践科目评估
C. edTPA
有关经济及贸易促进计划的资料,请浏览 下面的链接包含有关我们的edTPA通过率的信息.
7. Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared
The EPP surveys graduating seniors and recent completers annually to track employment trends. (见第4节第4款). EPP还整理由阿拉巴马州教育部提供的数据. These data track alumni employment trends for recent initial and advanced program completers hired in public schools in Alabama.
A. ALSDE数据(初始和高级)
The Alabama State Department of Education provides completer employment data to the EPP upon request. These data only include completers employed by public schools in the state of Alabama and does not represent those who may be employed by private, 狭隘的, 或者州外学校.
毕业生TEP入学,认证和招聘数据B. The ALACTE New Teacher Survey is administered to initial certification completers in their first year of employment. 2017-2018 responses indicate completers secure gainful employment in their field and are also satisfied with the preparation they received.
8. 学生贷款违约率和其他消费者信息
A)美国.S. 教育部每年发布一次官方的队列违约率. A cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s borrowers who enter repayment on certain Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program or William D. Ford Federal District Loan (Direct Loan) Program loans during a particular federal fiscal year (FY), 10月1日至9月30日, and default or meet other specified conditions prior to the end of the second following fiscal year. 可以找到所有学校的学生贷款违约率 在这里.
B) 消费者信息